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Rules and Procedures


Behavior Expectations

Please refer to the OUSD Standards of Behavior booklet for questions regarding our district and school behavior/discipline policies. This booklet describes the district’s behavior expectations and consequences for misbehavior.  In addition to the district guidelines for more severe misbehavior, and teachers’ individual classroom rules, expectations, rewards, and consequences, the following school rules are in effect:

School Rules

1. Be Respectful:
  • Students will respect all school adults.
  • Students will respect others students’ feelings and property.
  • Students will respect school property.
2. Be Responsible:
  • Students will work on-task.

  • Students will obey all school rules.
3.  Recognize Rights of Others:
  • Teachers and students have the right to be safe at school.
  • Teachers have the right to teach.
  • Students have the right to learn.
 Consequences for not following the rules:
  • Warning – Student receives a verbal warning.  Teacher reviews the rules with the student.  Action taken depends upon classroom discipline plan.
  • Parent Contact – Teacher contacts the parents for a student who repeatedly defies the school rules.
  • Discipline Referral – Student is referred to the principal for continual defiance of school rules. Action taken may be recess detention, in-school suspension, or home suspension. (Note: Some infractions warrant an immediate referral.
 Rewards to encourage positive behavior:
  • Raffle Tickets - given to students exhibiting positive behavior
  • Caught You Being Good Cards - students being helpful or exhibiting positive behavior can earn cards which can be turned in for a prize
  • Laurel Lions - classes who exhibit good behavior on the playground, at lunch and in their lines are selected by the Noon Duty Supervisors. Classes get to keep a Laurel Lion in their room for a week!