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Daily attendance is essential for your child to be successful in school, and is required by law. It is important for your child to be at school and on time every day. Absences and tardies are excused for illness or medical/dental appointment of the student, or death in the immediate family. Personal family business is considered an unexcused absence. Try to schedule appointments outside of school hours.

You may send a written excuse with your student when he/she returns if you do not have access to a telephone. Make sure you include your child’s name, his/her grade level, his/her teacher’s name, the date of the absence, and the reason for the absence.

If you do not inform the school within 5 days of the absence it will be recorded as an unexcused absence.    

If your student arrives late due to a medical/dental appointment, you will need to accompany him/her to the office, or send him/her with a note indicating the reason for the tardy. Students arriving late for other reasons must also check in to the office before going to class. Consequences will be assigned for students who are habitually late. Parents of students with poor or marginal attendance (both absences and tardies) will be contacted through attendance letters and/or school appointments. When these efforts are unsuccessful in improving attendance, the student will be referred to the District’s School Attendance Review Board (SARB). Independent Study Contracts If a situation arises which requires your child to be absent for 5 days or more, an independent study contract may be requested. This means the student completes the schoolwork at home (or out of town), for the time missed. If your child is very ill and cannot possibly complete the work, Independent Study would not be possible. However, if your child is able to do schoolwork we ask that you notify the office to request an Independent Study Contract at least 1 week prior to the absence.

Contact Us

Please call the school at 760-966-4201 each day your child is absent.